The cast of my Snowbound-story. Poor Isaac...

Haunting of Alaizabel Cray-fanart. Shut up, I still love this book very much! Maybe I'll ink this sometime...

Friend of mine visited me two weeks ago. While she was checking her email I drew her. Höhöhö.

Sketchbook-page: Penguins and random heads. My favourite themes!

Those are actually... notes I took during a lecture at university. I suck at taking notes! 8D

More "notes".

Some random sketches of that other story I'm working on right now. Decided to add some lol-worthy stuff, hence that thing in the left corner. It's a photo, taken during happier times. *sad face*

Gemma. With her kris-dagger. These things are teh awesomness. I want one...

I need to visualize what Gemma's apartment looks like. I want to live there...

More Prince of Persia-fanart. And as you can probably tell: I shy away from those ornaments on her clothes! *iSuck*
Yikes. That was a lot of pointless stuff.
bloody hell xD!
AntwortenLöschenherrje ich weis gar nich was ich alles sagen kann, was das wort awesome noch toppt XD! ich mag deine skizzen total gerne ;_; und die face expressions sind immer wieder super <3!!skzze 005 und 006 mag ich grad am meisten <3<3
I used a image on my personal blog
AntwortenLöschenthat's okay with you?
Hey there! Wah, sorry, I hadn't seen your comment. o_O
LöschenThat is totally okay with me (you gave credit so all is cool! And I'm flattered you chose one of my fanarts.)
Cheers! :)