Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011

Oh, walk it off, Princess!

Yeah, listened to Sunbears! and had this picture in mind. It's Gemma, btw.
Yay, fanart for Chris's Retribution Falls! \o/ Casey wanted some Silos so I drew some. This one's missing Pinn and more shockingly, Crake. Whut...

I really like this guy. And his lil' Elder God buddy Yoggy.
I can be pathetic like that, I know that.
But gah, Sam and Max season 3 was my favourite yet and a great part of that is owed to these two wimps here. Though arguably, Papierwaite is the wimpier of the two.

Yog-Soggoth: "Papierwaite and I will help you."
Papierwaite: "We will?!!"
Yog-Soggoth: "Oh, man up, Papierwaite!"
(Quote from Sam and Max, The City That Dares Not Sleep)

Posted all over the internet already and I figured that I should post it here as well.


2 Kommentare:

  1. Aaah, du hast so einen wunderschönen, dynamischen & 'leichten' Stil, es macht mir total Spaß deine Bilder anzuschaun *_*

    Und Mister Awesome-Hütchen hat wirklich Charakter! :D

  2. °w°

    Aw, danke schön! *_*
    Der Hut-Dude - im Moment kritzel ich den überall hin. XDDD Kann mir irgendwie nicht helfen.

    Danke fürs Beobachten! <3 *__*
